Selasa, 11 September 2012

HRS holds job profiling workshop

IRRI Human Resource Services organized over 20 job profile writing workshops for more than 300 staff at IRRI headquarters as part of the first phase in the creation of career paths for nationally recruited staff or NRS. These workshops are ongoing this week (5-21 September 2012).
Selected staff were invited to participate in the workshops and grouped by similarity of functions and job level. The participants were tasked to develop standard job profiles, through group discussion and workshop, supported by two resource persons from Towers Watson and 95 facilitators from IRRI.

The resulting draft job profiles will be reviewed by HRS and sent to the corresponding supervisors for comments. A series of follow-up workshops will be held thereafter to refine the drafts.

HRS is also giving the same workshop for 8 IRRI staff from the Country Offices on 21 September 2012, to prepare them to lead similar job profiling workshops in their respective areas.

After the workshops, job 'families' will be identified to complete the foundation for creating the NRS career paths.

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