Selasa, 25 September 2012

IRRI DG Zeigler meets with Indian agriculture minister

IRRI DG Bob Zeigler (right) meets with Indian Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar.

During his recent visit to India, IRRI Director General Robert Zeigler had an audience with Minister of Agriculture Sharad Pawar, during which he apprised the minister of recent developments in rice research at IRRI and the support extended by IRRI to the Government of Assam during a recent flooding in the state.
The DG also extended an invitation for Mr. Pawar to visit IRRI in the near future, which the minister accepted in appreciation of IRRI's contributions in India. 

Dr. Zeigler was accompanied by J.K. Ladha, U.S. Singh, and M.S. Rao during the meeting with the minister held on 12 September 2012. S. Ayyappan, secretary of the Department of Agricultural Research and Education and director general of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, was also present. 

The day before their meeting, Dr. Zeigler also met with various officials of the agriculture ministry to share his views on various concerns related to rice and converse with them.

Mr. Ashish Bahuguna, on behalf of the other ministry representatives, acknowledged the IRRI-India partnership, particularly the great success of IRRI-bred stress-tolerant rice varieties.

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Myanmar: Training held on participatory variety selection for the Lower Ayeyarwady Delta

A training course on participatory variety selection or PVS was conducted in the Labutta (13-15 September) and Bogale districts (18-20 September) in the Ayeyarwady Delta of Myanmar.

The course aimed to improve understanding of participatory adaptive research on variety selection among participants; introduce new technologies for stress-tolerant rice and rice-based cropping systems in adaptation to climate change; and enhance the capacity of participants to plan and implement PVS in their areas. 

The last day of each 3-day course was devoted to a ‘mock’ farmers’ field day for PVS in the two project villages—Bo Kone in Labutta and Pyin Ma Kone in Bogale.

Forty-five extension agronomists and technical staff from partner NGOs (Mercy Corps, Welthungerhilfe, GRET, and others), staff from the district and township offices of the Department of Agriculture, and local IRRI agronomists in Myanmar attended the course.

Resource persons were IRRI scientists Glenn Gregorio and Donna Casimero, project consultant Romeo Labios, and Department of Agricultural Research staff Daw Tintin Myint and Daw Ohnmar Myint.

In 2008, Cyclone Nargis affected the rice areas in the Ayeyarwady Delta and left many farming families even more impoverished. Early in 2012, a project financed by the Livelihood and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) was implemented in the three main rice-growing districts of Labutta, Bogale, and Mawlamyinegyun. The project aims to improve the livelihoods of rice-based rural households in the lower Ayeyarwady Delta by introducing high-yielding varieties for the favorable areas and stress-tolerant varieties for the salinity- and submergence-prone areas, adapting the best pre- and postharvest crop management practices for rice and improving the capacity of NGOs in rice agronomy.

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Vietnam: CLUES project holds workshop on assessment of new technologies

A workshop, Economic, social and environmental assessments of new technologies, was held on 19 September 2012 at Can Tho University (CTU) in Vietnam, attended by 25 technical staff of the CLUES Project from Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute and CTU.
Professor Le Quang Tri, national project director, said in his opening message that providing added knowledge and tools on socioeconomics are crucial to the CLUES Project attaining its objectives.
Topics covered in the workshop were:
  • Simple economic analysis tools like partial budgeting analysis and economic inefficiency analysis
  • Survey methods and data generation for technology assessment
  • Cost-benefit analysis
Also introduced during the workshop is DREAM, or Dynamic Research EvaluAtion for Management software, and its applications for economic analysis of technology impact assessment.

Vo Thanh Danh, dean of the School of Economics and Business Administration at CTU, was resource speaker.

The workshop was organized by Theme 4 of the CLUES Project.

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Philippines: Postharvest Learning Alliance helps farmer groups develop business plans

Al Schmidley, IRRI business model specialist,
says that farmers can be very innovative when enabled.
The Sto. Niño Multipurpose Cooperative (SPMC) and the Taguibo Farmers’ Irrigators Association hosted working meetings in Agusan to develop business plans for postharvest enterprise activities, with support from the Postharvest Learning Alliance and Caraga State University.

The goal of the meetings was to enable farmer groups to develop their own business plans for piloting or expanding their postharvest activities as entrepreneurial enterprise models. Two particular areas identified, for which business plans are being developed by the farmer groups, were mechanical drying of farmers’ paddy and use of rice by-products.

Gertrudes Fortun, agriculturist from Butuan City, expressed hope that the farmer groups will use the business plan tool to attract resources for adoption of improved postharvest technologies, such as mechanical dryers.

Plenio Atega, SMPC president, explained that, during the wet season, harvested paddy "often remain covered too long on sun-drying platforms during extended rainfall, sometimes even germinating before we can dry it for milling." The result is very low-quality paddy and milled rice, and farmers like him lose a lot of money as a result.

At the Taguibo Irrigators Association, President Romy Lasco had a similar concern. “Our farmers can lose at least 30% of the crop due to lack of drying facilities during the wet season. Traders then discount the equivalent of 5 kilograms off the price out of every 50 kilograms due to low paddy quality, and farmers lose another 10%.”

Professor Raquel Balanay, an economist from Caraga State University, and Alfred Schmidley, business model specialist for IRRI, advised the farmers’ groups on the use of a business plan.

“During the meetings, we examined the business case for offering mechanical drying services to farmers but discovered many other interesting enterprise activities that these farmers are engaged in," shares Dr. Balanay. "For example, both farmers groups recently began vermiculture and organic fertilizer enterprises that usepostharvest by-products such as rice hull, rice stalks, and coconut husk fiber. They mix these with livestock manure to form high-nutrient compost, a product that helps farmers decrease input cost while allowing their organizations to sustain themselves by selling higher-margin value-added products. The Taguibo group is now looking at setting up a small shop in Butuan for selling vermiculture products, compost, and farmer-produced organic food items."
“Farmers, when properly enabled, can be very resourceful and innovative,” Mr. Schmidley observed. “The business plan tool can help them analyze the business case for new technologies, expand profitable enterprise activities, or attract additional resources and capital.”

The next step for the Postharvest Learning Alliance is to host a multi-stakeholder meeting in November where farmer groups, microfinance institutions, rural credit cooperatives, and other groups can learn more about postharvest enterprise opportunities.

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Philippines: Cordillera farmers and extension workers learn to document activities

Twenty-four farmers and extension workers from the Cordillera Region in Northern Philippines were participants in a workshop on documentation of participatory activities, organized by the Consortium for Unfavorable Rice Environments (CURE).

"The workshop is part of a linkage that CURE had built with IFAD investment projects, called 'technical innovation service' or TIS," explains Digna Manzanilla, IRRI social scientist and CURE associate coordinator.

The Consortium entered into a partnership in early 2011 with the IFAD-funded Second Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project (CHARMP2). The documentation workshop is part of the series of activities lined up for farmers and extension workers from the project's three pilot villages—Hungduan in Ifugao, Barlig in Mountain Province, and Pasil in Kalinga.

The workshop's aim is to provide participants with tools for organizing, analyzing, and documenting field-based information. It provided help on writing documentation reports and packaging these into formats that are tailor-fit to the needs and characteristics of specific audiences.

Dr. Manzanilla adds, “The workshop should help our partners understand the importance of drawing lessons from the activities that they implement at the grassroots level, and of sharing these to others, especially other partners and donors.”

The workshop was held on 18-20 September 2012 at Banaue Hotel in Ifugao Province.

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IRRI hosts get-together with barangay captains of Bay and Los Baños

IRRI DG Bob Zeigler (center) speaks with local barangay captains,
in a meeting arranged by DDG for Communications
and Partnerships V. Bruce J. Tolentino (standing, left).

IRRI invited barangay captains and local government officers of the municipalities of Bay and Los Baños over for merienda cena on 20 September 2012 to further strengthen relations with these local communities that host the IRRI headquarters.
V. Bruce J. Tolentino, deputy director general for communications and partnerships, briefed the guests on IRRI's research agenda and declared IRRI's continued support to these communities through various partnerships and emergency assistance.

Robert Zeigler, IRRI director general, thanked the local leaders for supporting IRRI as an international organization working for global rice sufficiency, and for helping make Los Baños and Bay peaceful and happy communities for IRRI employees and their families to live in.

Lorilyn Manrique and Olivo Esquivel, local government officers of Bay and Los Baños, respectively, expressed appreciation for IRRI's commitment and support to local governance.

The presidents of the Association of Barangay Captains, Hon. Arthur Panopio (Bay) and Hon. Gaudencio Macatangay (Los Baños), likewise acknowledged IRRI's livelihood and training programs and community projects as having contributed to community transformation.

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Selasa, 18 September 2012

Turkey: New strategic direction set for temperate rice

Temperate rice research will take on a new direction this year as the Temperate Rice Research Consortium (TRRC) revises research strategies during its steering committee meeting this week (17-19 September 2012) at the Trakya Agricultural Research Institute (Trakya Tarimsal Arastirma Enstitusu or TTAE) in Edirne, Turkey.

This week's meeting allows the consortium to assess progress of research conducted in 2011-12 and continue setting strategic directions for 2013-14. The program includes updates on TRRC activities, reports on working group research, and overview of the status of temperate rice research and industry in countries and regions beyond the current TRRC network.

For the first time, the program includes a schedule for working groups to convene separately and discuss plans for research activities, cross-visits, greater interaction, and training. The groups are expected to come up with an outline of what they each intend to achieve in 2013-14.
Russell Reinke, TRRC Coordinator, provides guidance towards development of new initiatives that will expand TRRC activities to other parts of Asia and other regions, such as Africa and Latin America.

Edirne was chosen as the venue for the meeting, as half of Turkey’s rice production comes from this region.

TTAE has had a long-standing collaboration with CG centers such as IRRI and CIMMYT, as well as with FAO, local research institutes, and private companies. TTAE Director Necmi Beser believes that many things can still be done to improve yield, quality, and production in temperate rice, and the most efficient way to accomplish this is by sharing scientific research through international partnerships.

Evgeny Kharitonov, director of the All-Russian Rice Research Institute (ARRRI) and chair of this year's meeting, is happy to see a continuation of the novel strategies initiated in last year’s meeting held at his Institute.

Achim Dobermann, IRRI deputy director general for research, and representative of the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP), cited TRRC as a "wonderful example of scientific exchange of materials and technology where everybody can learn something from somebody else’s experience."

The TTAE-TRRC partnership has elicited strong support from the Turkish government, evident in the attendance of prominent officials—Necdet Bayirli, province director for Food, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs; and Ali Osman Sari, deputy director of the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies.

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India: 6th hybrid rice meet held in Hyderabad

IRRI DG Robert Zeigler, addressing
hybrid rice stakeholders
in Hyderabad, India.
The 6th International Hybrid Rice Symposium was held last week (10-12 September) in Hyderabad, India, gathering scientists and policymakers from around the world to discuss developments and issues on hybrid rice.

Addressing about 450 delegates from 32 countries were China's Yuan Longping, the "Father of Hybrid Rice;" Robert Zeigler, director general of IRRI; S. Ayyappan, director general, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), and secretary for agricultural research and education; and Ashish Bahuguna, secretary for agriculture and cooperation.

The Symposium was opened by K. Laxminarayana, agriculture minister of Andhra Pradesh, who called upon the scientists, farmers, and political leaders present to "come forward to meet the challenges in rice production" and adopt the latest technologies to enhance productivity.

Prof. Yuan, who is also director general of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Centre, talked about the significant role that hybrid rice has in sustaining food security in developing countries such as China and India.

Dr. Zeigler expressed concern regarding prevailing drought conditions in Asia and other parts of the world, and the need to develop new varieties of hybrid rice that require less water.

Mr. Bahuguna, said that there are still many issues to address related to India's food requirement inspite of the advantages of hybrid technology.

Dr. Ayyappan, said the symposium will be the "guiding force" in crafting plans for further development of hybrid rice technology. He also elaborated on capacity building programs and new initiatives.

The International Hybrid Rice Symposia are held once every four years in various parts of the rice-growing world to provide a venue for all stakeholders of hybrid rice to come together and discuss research, seed production, and development issues. 

This year's event was jointly organized by IRRI and ICAR and its constituent organization, the Directorate of Rice Research in Hyderabad.

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Cambodia: Postharvest Learning Alliance sponsors forum on microfinance

The multistakeholder Cambodia Postharvest Learning Alliance sponsored a business forum, Emerging opportunities for microfinance in the postharvest rice sector, held on 14 September 2012 at the Himawari Hotel in Phnom Penh.

Thirty-one participants came, representing 9 microfinance institutions (MFIs), Asian Development Bank; Cambodia Agricultural Value Chain Program; IDE; HARVEST; provincial departments of agriculture; Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF); Departments of Agricultural Extension and Agricultural Machinery; private sector rice processors; IRRI; and the local project team. 

The event was opened by Meas Pyseth, coordinator, IRRI Postharvest Project; Bun Mony, CEO of SATHAPANA, one of Cambodia's leading MFIs; and Alfred Schmidley, IRRI business model specialist.

Dr. Pyseth, in his welcome remarks, highlighted project achievements and technologies now available to farmers and other chain actors that reduce physical losses, improve quality, and allow value-adding throughout the chain. These technologies include combine harvesters, mechanical dryers, and hermetic storage options that have been tested and studied in a business model context for sustainability and improving incomes of farmer and other rural actors.

“The next step for the Project is to link actor-specific business plans with MFIs by improving financial literary and creating awareness about loan products and postharvest sector opportunities,” IRRI's Dr. Schmidley stated. “By identifying needs for technical support and disseminating knowledge about improved technologies and postharvest management options, the Learning Alliance can help reduce risks to actors and loan providers in newly emerging enterprises.  However, to achieve this we need to improve financial literacy of actors and create awareness among MFIs about emerging opportunities.”

“To achieve better outcomes, we need human resources and financial capital, but it’s also important to find better ways to deploy resources more effectively by joining together with other actors,”  Dr. Mony added. “There are 33 MFIs licensed by Cambodia’s National Bank that have more than 800 branches countrywide. While 40% of Cambodian households have used microfinance in the past, we need to offer suitable loan products that serve new needs while keeping in mind the commercial context of enterprises.”

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Nepal: Training on rice-based farming systems held in Kathmandu

Twenty IRRI staff attended Rice-based farming systems, a 5-day (10-14 September 2012) training program held in Kathmandu. The program sought to familiarize participants with rice-based farming under different ecosystems in Nepal and Bangladesh. Rice, the staple food of the Nepalese people, is grown in various physiographic conditions, from the terai (plains) to areas of about 3,000 feet above sea level.

Resource persons presented papers on the characterization and analysis of past and current farming in different ecosystems (terai or plains, low hills, mid-hills, and high hills).

Topics presented also included production management, mechanization, and postharvest technologies in rice-maize, rice-wheat, rice-vegetables, rice-livestock, rice-poultry, and rice-fish systems. Problems, constraints, and opportunities in each of these systems were elaborated. Cross-cutting issues on rice-based farming systems between the two countries were hot topics in the discussions.

The participants were also taken on a tour of the research stations of the Nepal Agricultural Research Council in Kathmandu that showcased technologies as applied in rice, maize, vegetable, and pulse, particularly in the mid-hills. They also learned about trout-farming at Kakni, in Nuwakot District.

The training was organized by the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia and IRRI-Nepal. 

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Senin, 17 September 2012

Training on mass metrology held for IRRI staff

A training-workshop, Technical requirements for calibration and measurement traceability of weighing instruments and meter sticks, was held at IRRI on 12 September 2012 to enhance accuracy and traceability of data collected using the weighing balance and the meter stick.

The workshop was held in two parts: a lecture on technical calibration requirements and traceability, and a hands-on session on calibration of electronic weighing balances and meter sticks. It was attended by 55 staff from IRRI's various laboratories.

Proper calibration of weighing instruments will ensure that measurement data are accurate and traceable to international weight standards. Previous calibration workshops were held in December 2010 and July 2011.

Resource for the workshop was Roxan de Luna Roxas, quality and technical manager of Metrologie Concepts Solutions, Inc. in the Philippines.

The workshop was organized by IRRI's Risk Management Quality Assurance unit.

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Selasa, 11 September 2012

IRRI scientists receive medals from Vietnam

IRRI scientists are among the recipients of medals from Vietnam’s Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development  that were presented in September this year. They were awarded during the 60th anniversary of the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the cause of agriculture and rural development of Vietnam.

The recipients were Reiner Wassmann (senior scientist and coordinator, Rice and Climate Change Consortium), Gerard Barry (leader, Golden Rice Project) and Romeo Labios (consultant, CLUES

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CURE joins IFAD gender skills training for trainers

The Consortium for Unfavorable Rice Environments (CURE) took part in the Gender-based effectiveness skills training, or G-BEST, organized by the IFAD Philippines Program Office held on 3-8 September 2012.

Digna Manzanilla, IRRI social scientist and associate CURE coordinator, and Annette Tobias, CURE assistant scientist, were the representatives in the training course, which aimed to equip gender trainers and enhance cognitive and action learning on gender-based effectiveness among IFAD project staff.

“We expect our participants to be able to utilize the Gender Mainstreaming Strategic Focus that was drafted by the IFAD-Philippines Gender Network in coming up with their respective action plans on enhancing gender mainstreaming,” explained Virginia Verora, IFAD gender coordinator. Participants should be able to deliver the training program for their project partners to instill gender-consciousness and apply knowledge and approaches in promoting gender equality and women empowerment objectives more effectively.

The training was attended by 16 (14 women and 2 men) participants from various IFAD-supported projects in the Philippines and was a follow up to a previous training on the same topic. It was held at the Tagaytay International Convention Center in Cavite, Philippines.

Resource persons came from the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development of the Department of Agrarian Reform, and IFAD Philippines.

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Philippines: IRRI takes part in Congress hearing on NM Rice commendation

The Committee on Information and Communications Technology of the Philippine House of Representatives has invited IRRI to share its views and recommendations regarding House Resolution 905, commending SMART Communications and Globe Telecoms in partnering with the Department of Agriculture and IRRI in the implementation of the NM Rice Mobile Project.

Bruce Tolentino, deputy director general for communications and partnerships, and Marco van den Berg, chief information officer, attended the committee hearing. HR 905 was authored by Angelo Palmones, AGHAM Party List representative.

The hearing also became an opportunity for Dr. Tolentino and Mr. van den Berg to inform committee members, composed of 51 congressmen, not only more about the NM Rice Project but about IRRI's other partnerships with the Philippine Government, especially with the Department of Agriculture.

Upon hearing these elaborations, Rep. Palmones amended the resolution to commend IRRI directly. He also called on SMART, the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), and Sun Cellular to work on enabling NM Rice Mobile on their systems at the soonest possible time. At the moment, NM is operational only on the Globe network. 

Dr. Tolentino also met with Rep. Palmones for further briefing, and will follow up on collaborations between IRRI and AGHAM Party List.

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Bangladesh: CSISA specialist wins best paper award

Harun-Ur Rashid, cropping systems specialist of the Khulna Hub of CSISA Bangladesh, won the best session paper award for Increasing productivity of rice-rice cropping system adopting short duration rice and mustard and relay cropping, which he presented during the International Conference on Environment, Agriculture, and Food Sciences held in Phuket, Thailand, on 11-12 August 2012. 

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IRRI holds fourth research data management course for 2012

The fourth and last installment for the year of the Research Data Management (RDM) 101 training course started today, 11 September 2012, at the I.T. Learning Center in IRRI and will run for three half-days until 13 September.

The course aims to teach IRRI research staff good practices in gathering and managing research data. It covers organizing raw data in spreadsheets and databases; and data manipulation, checking, and validation. File management tools are also introduced and demonstrations conducted.

Ten participants, composed of researchers, interns and M.S./Ph.D. scholars from IRRI's various units, are attending the course.

Research data management is an important area of responsible conduct of research. Research data should be managed, shared, and preserved properly; management of it ought to be planned well right from the start of any project.

Resource persons were Marco van den Berg (chief information officer) and Rogelio Alvarez (IT manager for operations).

The RMQA-RDM 101 training team is composed of Menchu Bernardo, Icoy Mercado, and Dec Arreza. The next RDM 101 will be offered in 2013.

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CSIRO plant scientist is guest in researchers' lunch

Xavier Sirault, an engineer plant scientist working on high-throughput phenotyping technologies at CSIRO, Australia, was guest of the Young Researchers' Lunch for September.

Dr. Sirault described his career path and encouraged the young researchers present—Nurul Hidayatun, James Quilty, Yoichiro Kato, ESMH Rashid, and Reneeliza Jean Melgar—to know their career goals and make a plan. He also described some new phenotyping technologies and the status of phenomics centers in Australia.

The Young Researchers Lunch is a monthly meeting for IRRI scientists who are in the early stages of their career. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for discussion with senior scientists on a range of topics that include science and career paths.

For more information, please contact Joy Sagabay ( or Amelia Henry (

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HRS holds job profiling workshop

IRRI Human Resource Services organized over 20 job profile writing workshops for more than 300 staff at IRRI headquarters as part of the first phase in the creation of career paths for nationally recruited staff or NRS. These workshops are ongoing this week (5-21 September 2012).
Selected staff were invited to participate in the workshops and grouped by similarity of functions and job level. The participants were tasked to develop standard job profiles, through group discussion and workshop, supported by two resource persons from Towers Watson and 95 facilitators from IRRI.

The resulting draft job profiles will be reviewed by HRS and sent to the corresponding supervisors for comments. A series of follow-up workshops will be held thereafter to refine the drafts.

HRS is also giving the same workshop for 8 IRRI staff from the Country Offices on 21 September 2012, to prepare them to lead similar job profiling workshops in their respective areas.

After the workshops, job 'families' will be identified to complete the foundation for creating the NRS career paths.

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World Agroforestry Center holds feeding program for flood victims

Staff and scholars of the World Agroforestry Center (also know an ICRAF), an IRRI-hosted center, held a feeding program to more than 1,000 evacuees at the Tadlac Tent City in Los Baños on 7 September 2012.

Rosemary Caballero led the activity, representing Rodel Lasco, Philippine programme coordinator. They were joined by volunteers and IRRI spouses Sue Pretty and Stella Bouman, and guests.

Floodwaters have receded to waist level in the communities along Laguna Lake, and the residents of Barangay Tadlac are staying in the 'tent cities' because their homes remain unsafe and there is prospect of more rainfall. Tadlac was hardest hit by the flooding caused by Typhoon Gener and the Habagat rains in July.

Close to 10,000 residents are still in various tent cities and evacuation centers in Los Baños and Bay as floodwaters are expected to take about 3 more months to recede in the lakeshore areas. 

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IFEA provides relief to flood victims

The IRRI Filipino Employee’s Association, Inc. (IFEA), with facilitation from IRRI's Host Country and Community Relations Office, distributed relief goods on 4 September 2012 to IRRI staff who were affected by recent flooding in the area around Laguna Lake. IFEA's mandate includes providing support and assistance to its members.

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IRRI staff donate to flood victims

IRRI's Host Country and Community Relations Office has turned over donations from IRRI employees to the Municipal Disaster and Risk Reduction Coordinating Councils of the towns of Los Baños and Bay and continues to coordinate relief assistance and feeding programs from volunteer organizations.

Donated items include rice, canned foods, hygiene articles, bottled water, blankets, towels, and clothes and will be distributed to those affected by recent flooding on the shores of Laguna Lake. Cash donations were used to buy more rice for distribution to the flood victims.

The HCCRO team thanks all donors and those who volunteered to help during the feeding programs.

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Selasa, 04 September 2012

IRRI research staff group holds sports festival

The Association of Fellows, Scholars, Trainees, and Residents of IRRI (AFSTRI) held a day-long sports festival at Canyon Cove Residential Beach Resort, Batangas, on 1 September 2012.

Eighty members and their spouses and children the event, which was opened by messages from Govinda Rizal, AFSTRI president, and Zilhas Ahmed, AFSTRI sports officer.

There were six games and two optional activities (fun diving, kayaking) prepared for the participants, who divided themselves into four teams: Red, led by Kashif Shahid Aslam, visiting research fellow; Green, led by Zhuang Zhuo, Ph.D. research scholar; Yellow, led by Md. Rafiqul Islam, postdoctoral fellow; and Violet team led by Craig Jameson, Ph.D. research scholar. Grand prizes were chocolate and popcorn.

The grownups weren't the only ones in competition, as a sandcastle-building game was prepared for the kids.

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Philippines: CURE joins Arakan farmers in field day

The Consortium for Unfavorable Rice Environments (CURE) joined farmers of Arakan in North Cotabato, a province in Southern Philippines, during the annual farmers' field day on 27 August 2012 organized by the University of Southern Mindanao (USM).
The Municipality of Arakan, home of the aromatic upland rice variety dinorado, is the key site for CURE's upland rice workgroup, led by IRRI's Casiana Vera Cruz together with key site coordinator Edwin Hondrade of USM in Kabacan, Cotabato.

The field day was attended by 87 farmers from eight villages in Arakan and was co-organized by Dr. Hondrade with Rose Hondrade, also of USM.

The event, which coincided with the 21st founding anniversary of the municipality, kicked off with a walk-through of the experimental site where the observational nursery for upland traditional rice varieties, the National Cooperative Testing of new improved upland rice varieties, and the Formal and Informal Mother Trial plots are located. 

“These plots supervised by USM also serve as a fallback for farmers who experience a poor or bad harvest,” Dr. Rose Hondrade said. “They can get good quality seed from here.”

Nestor Nombreda, president of the Arakan Community Seed Bank Organization (ACSBO), said that farmers get to earn extra if they manage their crop well. “We get requests for seeds when others see that our rice plants look good.”

The event also served as a mini seed fair, filled with games and prizes, in which farmers brought quality seed that they produced from the different varieties of upland rice and their favorite dinorado. Those who brought the most number of good quality seed were given IRRI shirts, caps, and Super Bags as prizes.

“We practice what we learned in the community seed bank training,” said Thelma Mallorca, one of the farmers who brought prize-winning seeds for display during the mini seed fair.

Seedlings and root crops were also given away to all farmers as part of the Pagkain Para sa Masa (Food for the Masses) Program of the Department of Agriculture.

Pagkain Para sa Masa is a self-help household food security program for the upland and internally-displaced communities in Mindanao,” Dr. Edwin Hondrade explained. “We have taken this opportunity to distribute seedlings of various fruits and vegetables to our farmers to help augment their food supply and income.”

The event was attended by representatives from IRRI—Dr. Vera Cruz (CURE workgroup leader for the uplands), Elenor de Leon (communication and extension specialist), and Jessieca Narciso (IRRI videographer).

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Philippines: DA-BAR approves ecological engineering project

The Bureau of Agricultural Research of the Philippine Department of Agriculture (DA-BAR) recently approved the project Developing Ecological Engineering Approaches to Restore and Conserve Ecosystem Services for Pest Management for Sustainable Rice Production in the Philippines, which it will implement over two years with IRRI in selected sites in Laguna and Regional Agricultural Research Centers in Iloilo and Cagayan de Oro provinces.

The project, led by K.L. Heong, IRRI principal scientist, will apply ecological engineering (EE) concepts introduced by the ADB-IRRI Planthopper Project to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services and reduce insecticide use. When EE practices are in place, rich biodiversity and related biological control ecosystem services are enhanced and vulnerability to planthopper outbreaks is markedly reduced.

EE practices, combined with government efforts to reducing unnecessary insecticide use, are now widespread in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, which has endured pest outbreaks since 2008. (Visit the Ricehoppers blog for more information.)

Several training workshops will be held for Filipino researchers and pest management practitioners on the following topics: EE approaches in the development of sustainable pest management; basic principles of insect ecology and sampling methods; and arthropod taxonomy and identification. Opportunities to interact and learn from other EE practitioners in China, Thailand, and Vietnam will also be provided. 

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Pakistan: CSISA reaches out to farmers outside the Hub

Cholistan Plantation, a privately owned company, is undertaking commercial agriculture in Bahawalpur in the southern Punjab. It has acquired a large area from the government for the purpose and is growing wheat, cotton, rice, and sugarcane. A 50-acre block is under rice, 9 acres of which are direct-seeded (DSR) through broadcast method.

CSISA-Pakistan, providing assistance to the company, initially recommended 'zero-till' (DSR). Due to poor field leveling, however, reduced tillage approach was instead used. The field was leveled after irrigation and the crop was broadcast-sown.

The crop is growing well and is comparable to a nursery-planted crop. A few acres of DSR planted early in the season (early June) are outperforming the transplanted crop. This constitutes the first experience of Cholistan Plantation in a new endeavor, and its management is happy with the crop condition and the ease and reduced cost of crop production. It is now planning a field event in collaboration with CSISA-Pakistan.

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Bangladesh: CSISA holds third annual planning meeting

The Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) in Bangladesh held its third planning meeting and annual retreat, attended by fifty-four CSISA employees and guests from India and Nepal.

Presentations were made by CSISA leaders (Systematic change, by Christian Portal, chief of party; Large working group: Sector logics, by Josh Bryant, monitoring and evaluation leader, and his team; and a discussion led by M.A. Salaque, CSISA-IRRI coordinator), after which further discussion with participants were held.

The meeting and retreat, held at Nazimgarh Resort in Sylhet on 27-30 August 2012, also included activities for relaxation, entertainment, and interaction among the participants, such as a river cruise in Lala Khal on shallow speed boats, to nurture team spirit. 

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Drought training workshop in IRRI

A workshop and training on marker-assisted breeding for drought tolerance is ongoing (2-9 September 2012) at IRRI Headquarters.

The training includes lectures and hands-on sessions on the identification of large-effect QTLs for grain yield under drought, physiological characterization of large-effect QTLs, standardized drought phenotyping in the field, and marker-assisted introgression of large-effect QTLs to improve grain yield under drought.

Eleven participants from India, Africa, Laos, and the Philippines (PhilRice) are attending.

The workshop-training is hosted by IRRI's Crop and Environmental Sciences and Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology divisions and was organized by Amelia Henry, Shalab Dixit, and Arvind Kumar.

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Senin, 03 September 2012

IRRI partners with Red Cross and Rotary Club for the bloodletting activity

IRRI's Human Resource Services (HRS) held a bloodletting activity in partnership with Philippine Red Cross and Rotary Club of West Bay on 31 August 2012 at the IRRI Safety Training Office.

The activity was a response to the alarming rise of reported dengue cases in recent months and aims to provide an adequate and safe supply of blood to help save lives during emergencies. HRS collected 107 bags of blood.

From among 138 participants, 107 donors were successfully registered in the voluntary blood donation program. Participation was open to all IRRI staff and dependents. 

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IRRI holds 9th supervisory training program

IRRI's Human Resource Services (HRS) and the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) delivered the Supervisory Training Program (STP) at IRRI for the ninth time on 15-17 August 2012.

The STP is a two-and-a-half-day course for junior supervisors who have not yet received basic management training. It focuses on planning, implementing, delegating, leading, and general people management, and provides participants the opportunity to improve supervisory skill levels in these areas.

For inquiries and schedule of STP offerings, please contact Annabelle Aquino of the HRS Organization and People Development Services at x2824 or send email to

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New GRiSP director speaks at mentoring lunch

Bas Bouman, GRiSP director and a mentor himself, shared about his mentoring experiences during the 14 August Mentoring Lunch.

Mentoring lunches are held to give mentor-mentee pairs in IRRI the opportunity to get together on a regular basis and conduct discussions in an informal atmosphere.

At each gathering, a speaker is invited to share his personal thoughts on mentoring and interact with the mentoring pairs.

These lunches are part of the ongoing support to mentoring at IRRI and is organized by the Human Resource Services (HRS).

For inquiries and Mentoring Program schedules, please contact Annabelle Aquino of the HRS Organization and People Development Services at x2824 or send email to

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IRRI welcomes 20 new staff

IRRI's Human Resource Services (HRS) welcomed 20 new employees during the August 2012 IRRI Employee Orientation Program.
In addition to newly-hired employees, HRS extends invitation to staff who have been with IRRI longer but have not had the opportunity to attend the orientation program in the past.

For inquiries and orientation schedules, please contact Annabelle Aquino of the HRS Organization and People Development Services at x2824 or send email to

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IRRI holds 'stepping-up' party for new GRiSP director

Staff of IRRI's Crop and Environmental Sciences Division (CESD) staff held a 'stepping-up' party on 28 August for Bas Bouman, CESD head, who moved onto his new role as Global Rice Science Partnership director on 1 September.

Robert Zeigler, IRRI director general, gave his message for Bas, followed by videotaped ones from Bas' former IRRI colleagues Shaobing Peng, T.P. Tuong, Darshan Brar, Ren Wang, and Ken Cassman. Bing Bayot, Bas' former staff from the Challenge Program on Water and Food, David Johnson, CURE coordinator, and Bas' wife Stella also shared stories of their fondest memories with Bas.

Bas thanked his staff and colleagues, saying it "is not really goodbye" as he will be staying at IRRI in his new role and interacting with many of the same people.

T.P. Tuong will return as interim head of CESD until end of 2012, while Achim Dobermann, IRRI deputy director general for research, will look after Program 3 matters.

The CESD Management Committee organized the activity.

More photos >

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Quality assurance committee names best labs in IRRI plant breeding

The IRRI-Japan Laboratory and the Molecular Markers Application Laboratory won the Best Laboratory Award 2012, as announced during the team-building activities of IRRI's Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology Division on 24 August 2012.

The evaluation was made by PBGB's Risk Management and Quality Assurance (RMQA) committee, headed by Glenn Gregorio. Other members are Mayee Reveche, Joie Ramos, Vit Lopena, and Norman Oliva.

The committee evaluated the implementation of laboratory safety measures and documentation of standard operating procedures in all 13 laboratories of PBGB and used a checklist based on international standard on good laboratory practices. 

Representatives of the winning laboratories received certificates and five boxes of pizza each, courtesy of RMQA. The IRRI-Japan Laboratory also won the award last year.

The PBGB team-building event was held at Island Cove and Leisure Park in Kawit, Cavite, Philippines.

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