Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

21 IRRI staff members receive certification on protocol

Twenty-one IRRI staff attended the Training on Protocol held on 25-27 June 2012.

The 3-module training workshop covered the following topics: official events management, diplomatic etiquette and decorum, conference organization and management, and general aspects of media relations for speakers.

Attendees were Israel Alforja (Events, Visitors, and Exhibits Office), Priscilla Argosino (Food and Housing Services), Manuel Bactong, Jr. (EVEO), Ma. Lizbeth Baroña (Public Relations), Ryan Jeffrey Custodio (Deputy Director General for Communications and Partnerships), Rosalinda del Rosario (Director General's Office), Ria Anna Dimapilis (EVEO), Ruth Ann Felismino (EVEO), Jocelyn Finegan (Human Resource Services), Charizabel Fortunado (Development Office), Kristine Genil (EVEO), Paul Benjamin Hilario (EVEO), Margaret Ann Jingco (National Programs Relations), Julian Lapitan (NPR), Salvie Mariñas (DDG-CP), Beatrisa Martinez (EVEO), Cristina Mendoza (DGO), Maricor Zen Reyes (Deputy Director General for Research), Mary Rose Joy Sagabay (HRS), Sharlene Santos (PR), and Katrina Evangeline Zapanta (HRS).

The group also went on a tour of Malacañan on 28 June.

The workshop was facilitated by Revimarc de Mesa, former deputy chief of presidential protocol of the Office of the President in the Philippines (2006-08). It was organized jointly by the HRS and the EVEO.

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